Fetish Priest And Man Of God Challenge Themselves With Powers In Public- VIDEO

Fetish Priest And Man Of God Challenge Themselves With Powers In Public.

 A video that has surfaced online shows how a fetish priest from Benin came all the way to Ghana to fight a man of God is taking over the internet.

According to some people, the event is said to have happened on May 9, 2012.

And also according to the source of the video as sighted by Dicytrends.com, this alleged incident happened in Accra Dansoman Agege adjacent to the Central Mosque

The source revealed that it happened between one Apostle John Yao Tsetse who was engaged in a battle with a fetish priest from Benin.

The fetish priest came all the way to Ghana for a balance of his money from a woman who happened to consult him for healing and also to battle the man of God who was able to heal the woman he could not heal.

A lot of people have described the video as just a promotion for a video as the who action appears to be acting. It was very excited to watch the video.